Upload Photos

To send more photos to me than is convenient in an email (more than 3), please use the file upload feature that I have installed on my personal website.  It's easy to use and will allow you to send me any photos that you would like to see on the Diners' site.

Here are the instructions on how to do that.

  1. You need to know the URL (address) of my Photo Upload page, which I sent out to all the members or you need to send me an email and ask me for that address (in any event, when you get it - bookmark it so you can find it again).
  2. Load all of your photos onto your PC or Mac from your camera (or iPad, etc).
  3. Cull them!
  4. If you want captions on your photos (which are really helpful to the viewer), change the file names, for example from IMG-9023.jpg to Dessert - Banana Pancakes.
  5. Open your browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, etc) and select the bookmark for my Photo Upload page.
  6. In the box labled "New subfolder? Name:", type in "yourfirstname-yourlastname-yymmdd" (for example: "ian-smith-140403".
  7. Click the Browse button and find the first photo that you'd like to send me.
  8. When you have done that, another browse button shows up so that you can do the same thing for the second photo - and so on until you've finished (there is a limit to the number of photos you can upload at one time).
  9. When you have entered the pointers to all the photos that you'd like to send, click on "Begin Upload".
  10. When the upload is complete, you get a short report and a button that allows you to send more photos by going through the process again.

Send me an email that you have sent me some photos (this tool doesn't let me know that you've done that) with instructions about what you'd like done with them (a title, subject, when they were taken - that kind of thing).

As soon as I can, I'll add your photos to the website (in a slideshow if appropriate) and broadcast a message to the members that they can see them. 

If you have any difficulties with this process, call or write me. 
